Sky Elevators.

Heard of them? in games, movies etc? if not now you will. if humans were have to travel back and fourth to space with shutters. wouldn’t it be rather costly per trip and fuel wastage? with this idea and our current technology its feasible! firstly in recent development of nano technology brings us this very strong micro cables known as carbon nanotube. some of you would wonder. what it is? now here’s how it’ll look like.

i can say. these guys are strong. and stronger than steel which of course, capable of spanning miles from land to space. the problem is. how to join these nanotubes together to form a 4000mile long cable? now thats the question we scientist would like to find out. =X

but there’s something which is bugging me the whole time. how could a nanotube support such great tension at such great heights? furthermore supporting a space station up in space which literally “hangs” from earth’s ground. and what device is capable to “holding” the sky elevator in place?

now there setbacks about a space elevator. its vulnerable to bad weather and strong winds. you wont want to stay in a capsule swinging back and fourth wouldn’t you? secondly. what if the cable snaps and THAT would be disastrous. now for the good points. its very easy to use and its energy efficient. so If space elevator indeed become a reality, sky elevator can be the easy connection point from the earth to space.

~ by cosmicstrings on June 21, 2007.

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