A few ‘facts’ about Chuck Norris

here’s some of the facts I’ve thought of about Chuck Norris.

1) if 300 Spartans were all it takes to defeat 100,000 Persians, it would take Chuck Norris to defeat 300 spartans.

2) Chuck Norris does not smoke a cigar, he smokes the cigar’s production factory.

3) When your the enemy of Chuck Norris and he spotted you from afar, before you could scream ‘Help’ you would be dead.

4) Chuck Norris could do a roundhouse kick underwater and kill his enemy instantly.

5) If you would need someone to demolish your building, Chuck Norris is your answer, calling 1800-Chuck-Norris would ensure that he appears at your doorstep, giving your building a roundhouse kick to a pile of rubble.

6) Chuck Norris doesn’t need a gun, he is the gun.

7) If Chuck Norris were to play World-Of-Warcraft, his character would be lv 999999 and any button he pressed would be a roundhouse kick to the monsters.

8) Chuck Norris sleeps with his eyes open.

9) If you were to mess with Chuck Norris, before you know you were dead, he had already killed you 47 times.

10) If there was Chuck Norris, there isn’t a need for Ironman cause all it takes for Chuck Norris to walk on the street and his enemies would die of heart failure.

11) If you had given Chuck Norris a PSP to play with, his PSP would have an extra feature which enables him to do a roundhouse kick to any game character who tries to mess with his character.

12) it was said that 10 bazookas are needed to take down a tiger tank. With Chuck Norris, he could take down that tiger tank with his punch.

~ by cosmicstrings on October 5, 2008.

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