
And say hello to the vacation. Not too lively eh? how about. SAY HELLO TO THE VACATIONSSSSSSS WOOOOOHOOO! Nah thats just over-reacting. Well yeah my last paper ended with a breeze its very easy and what i studied came out! I cant believe it! Well yeah it was a pretty last minute revision for me though, I told Jovina i was like, having a holiday mood and totally had 0 concentration or even motivation to study. But thanks to a friend of mind she encouraged me to give my best shot. Yeah she’s really an awesome person and i never regretted knowing her. ok.. not another word of mushy stuff or if she sees this she would AUM CHIO for sure!

Oh boy. I still cant decide on what to buy. Whats worse is i have friends owing me quite a sum of money as well as me owing a couple of tens to some of my friends. I hate owing people and vice versa but yeah its part of my ego though. ha! Neway, talk about that, i had a long and tiring day today. Decided to help Jeffrey and a bunch of mates to spring clean the clubroom and stuff theres lots to clear tho right after my paper. So yeah did the sweeping and mopping of the floor and some bits of movings here and there and i gotta head off to meet my cliques. Oh boy i love them all! Hope they we are all friends till we are older and could go on a holiday!  (Korea isnt that bad though. hoho). I love travelling and i will do so twice a year. Just like my family we would want to travel around the world and visit almost every places of interest! ❤ Ha! Money is always the problem! I bet we would all agree on that eh? 😀 Well enough for now i need to rest for the day. Cya mates!

~ by cosmicstrings on March 3, 2010.

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