Installing Whatsapp on your iPod Touch.

Ok some of you might probably have tried different methods of installing whatsapp on your iPod Touch. Today I’m going to run through my method of getting it to work on the iPod Touch 2G. I decided to choose the 2G as a test platform for the sake of those military personnel since it has no camera functions. I do assume that this works perfectly fine for the 1G as well as the 3G and so on so fourth. However i do hold no responsibility of any loss of data throughout the process of installation. Do also note that this tutorial is an assumption that you have already know the basics knowledge of “tweaking” your device. By the way im running a jailbroken 4.2.1(8C142) firmware on my iTouch 2G.

“whatspad” is a platform which allows whatsapp to function properly on your itouch. Without it even if you’ve installed whatsapp it just wont work. 

First things first. You MUST have an untethered jailbroken iPod. For those curious to know what it means lookup

1) Ensure you have “Cydia” and “Installous” on your iTouch.

2) In Cydia, search for and install “iFile”, “OpenSSH” and “whatspad”.

3) Reboot your device.

4) On your desktop in iTunes, Download whatsapp from the apple store.

5) Browse for your downloaded whatsapp ipa file which is located here. “My Documents > My Music > iTunes > iTunes Music > Mobile Applications”. and place it on your desktop…

6) Here comes the tricky part most would stumble upon. Download winSCP and run it

7) Once your iTouch booted up run “iFiles” press the 2nd button from the bottom tab which has a “wifi” symbol. It should start a web server. From there, open up Google Chrome or whatever browser, enter the http address you see exactly listed over the command line. 

8) It should prompt for a login which is “root” and password “alpine”

9) You should see a list of folders and files in it.. Browse to this location “\var\mobile\Library\Downloads”

10) Upload your whatsapp.ipa file which you downloaded earlier from itunes into it. You’re almost done.

11) Finally, start installous from your iTouch and click the downloads tab. You should see whatsapp listed in there. Install it and there you go. 🙂


If you have any further doubts and questions do feel free to post up a comment. Or you feel if i’ve made a mistake somewhere in my steps do point them out.

~ by cosmicstrings on September 6, 2012.

3 Responses to “Installing Whatsapp on your iPod Touch.”

  1. it says invalid ipa

    • Hi, the recent Whatsapp update has disabled the ability to install on the iPod Touch 2G and no longer works. Its an unfortunate news for many including myself however ill still keep a lookout on such updates. 🙂

  2. It says installation failed : invalid ipa …. Pls help me with ths

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